Vogue Australia confirmed that Ben and Kendall are still together, not only that, they’re close to marriage? 

Kendall Jenner is Vogue Australia‘s cover star, and she devoted a portion of her interview to discussing her love life and how close she is to marriage.

Jenner explained to Vogue Australia why she keeps their romance private.

“I got a glimpse of how my sisters dealt with [the attention] and it’s cool to learn from that,” she said. “For me, a lot of things are very special and very sacred, like my friends and relationships, and I personally think that bringing things into the public makes everything so much messier.”

She also touched on her age and why she feels like dating Simmons or anyone more publicly would sabotage the relationship.

“I’m very young and right now I feel like relationships aren’t always super-certain and I don’t want to bring too much attention to something if you don’t really know long term [what it’s going to be],” she said. “A relationship is only meant to be between two people, and the second you make it the world’s business is when it starts messing with the two people mentally. Like once everyone is let in, you’re letting all these opinions into your relationships, and I don’t think that’s fair.”

Jenner doesn’t put pressure on herself to get married or engaged by a certain age.

“I feel like once you do [that], it’s just completely ingenuine, and you think that you have to be in a certain place when you don’t have to be,” she said. “Everyone has their own path and their own way of letting the cards fall. Your 20s are for messing up and figuring it out.”

The two haven’t been spotted together for quite some time, although she was seen cheering on Ben during Game 7. 

This whole close to marriage thing really came out of nowhere. 

Can’t blame Ben, she’s a good looking girl. 

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