Lebron James will supposedly announce his decision through a Space Jam 2 trailer and had to let some of his sponsors know where he would be going. Another interesting decision by LeBron. 

Another guy saying the same thing, TechCrunhes reporter with 55k followers

Well, I’m told that LeBron James will use his Uninterrupted to make his decision.

In addition, once James announces his decision, he will utilize the Instagram TV app to launch a trailer and/or a documentary for his Space Jam 2 that we’ve waited forever and a day to see.

I was also told that LeBron James had to let some of his sponsors know where he would be going. The reasoning behind it is that the contents of this said trailer will state where the King is actually going.

Heat beat reporter Manny Navarro on LeBron’s decision: “I think it’ll be quick. Everything I’ve been hearing, he’s already got people in his camp moving out to LA, buying houses. I think it’s pretty much a done deal with the Lakers.”