“The guy motioned me over because he knew I was the only Bulls fan in the store,” Fite narrated in an interview on The Big Show podcast, via Wil Leitner of Fox Sports Radio. “He comes over and he goes ‘I think it’s the Bulls and it might be one of the players.’ I had been hired 3 or 4 weeks earlier as an assistant manager and I remember saying ‘I’m doing it, I will make the pizza because I don’t want anyone of you doing anything to it.’”

Fite also refuted the narrative of Jordan’s personal trainer, Tim Grover, who said in Episode 9 of “The Last Dance” that there were a bunch of suspicious guys who delivered the pizza to Jordan’s hotel room:

“The crap story that the guy said that there were ‘5 people’, there were 2 of us and I didn’t even have that many people working at time,” Fite claims. “I remember there being a police car parked there and you had to identify yourself. Both of us were in uniform and it’s clear where were coming from.”

Finally, Fite detailed how he meticulously prepared that pizza to the best of his ability:

“It’s tough to get food poisoning off a pizza unless of course you obviously add something to it, but that didn’t happen because it sure as heck didn’t leave my hands,” he said. “That pizza was made well, I followed all the rules, and heck, I was so busy trying to impress to become the store manager there that I followed all the rules.”

So he says he’s a Bulls fan?

There’s no way anyone would ever admit to poisoning Michael Jordan.

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