Although the NBA Playoffs was as eventful as any other in recent memory, many fans couldn’t help but feel the excitement was marred by some notable injuries to the leagues brightest stars, including the devastating circumstances dealt to the defending champions in Klay Thompson and Kevin Durant. 

For that reason, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban was recently asked about the possibilities of more injury prevention, to which he replied by claiming that “there’s a lot of new technology out that we just need to invest in.”

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From there, he conceded that the technology needed to analyze tendons isn’t advanced enough and that more research is required to determine its efficiency, though he provided a sense of optimism that in the future non-contact injuries will happen less. 

Although Cuban noted that at the moment it’s next to impossible to prevent the injuries suffered by KD and Thompson, he added that ’40 is the new 30′ with players already playing much further into their careers than in previous decades, even theorizing that younger stars like Luka Doncic will be able to play 25 years in the league thanks to the new technology. 

Not so sure about that. Playing basketball isn’t easy on the body, no matter what you do to take care of your body. Eventually the body says no more.

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