Former NFL players Michael Irvin and Eric Davis worked as analysts for the NFL Network and have been named in a lawsuit against the network.  This is the second lawsuit filed involving the network and sexual harassment.

Irvin and Davis are accused of sexual harassment by former NFL Network makeup artist Erin McParland.  Davis who was no longer with the network was fired by ESPN after the allegations initially came to light.  Irvin, as of now, is still employed by the NFL Network.

Via USA Today:

Pro Football Hall of Fame receiver Michael Irvin had to be repeatedly reminded by a makeup artist to “not touch” her, one of the many allegations made in the latest sexual harassment lawsuit filed over alleged misconduct at NFL Network. 

Erin McParland claims she was “subjected to ongoing and continuing sexual harassment by current and former on-air talent and other employees” during her roughly two years at the network that started in 2014, according to the lawsuit obtained by USA TODAY Sports. The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday, also named former All-Pro defensive back Eric Davis, who allegedly would “rub his genitals” against McParland. 

What the hell was going on at the NFL Network?  Sounds like the locker room of a bunch of teenaged boys who have no boundaries.