English model Jasmine Lennard has branded Cristiano Ronaldo “a psychopath,” threatening to release what she claims are explosive revelations about the football star and vowing to help the US woman who has accused him of rape.

Lennard has previously said she enjoyed a fling with the Portugal ace 10 years ago, and claims the pair have been in touch since then.

The model and reality TV show star has now reached out to Kathryn Mayorga, the US woman who accuses the Juventus forward of raping her in a Las Vegas hotel room in 2008, saying she has been prompted into the step after watching a program about survivors of sexual abuse.  

Lennard claims she has information “that will help” Mayorga and her team in their case against Ronaldo, whom she brands “a f***ing psychopath” and “bully.”

Ronaldo has denied the allegations of rape by Mayorga, with representatives saying that documents cited by some media outlets are “fabrications.”

The ladies love Ronaldo. 

Check out more pics of his latest accuser below:  

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