What makes for a popular casino game?

Online casinos took over from land-based casinos in recent years, and it is no wonder that this happened. With online casinos providing people with the comfort and calm of home but still the excitement and thrill of the casino, it was a no-brainer. 

Online casinos also do not have the space restrictions that the land-based option does. There is limitless space and therefore, there is room for limitless games, 

Online casinos do not need to worry about how much space they have, and that is why they have so many more casino games available. 

But what makes a casino game popular? Well, that depends, all casino games are popular to an extent. However, the thing that makes most casino games popular is ease, and the likelihood to win. 

Although there are many people out there who love the games that challenge them and require them to learn strategy, many people like ease, and simplicity. We work hard all day, we like to enjoy a casino game that does not need brain work. 

What makes a casino game the most popular is down to its audience, some people enjoy poker the most, whereas others may be more drawn to slots, or blackjack, or perhaps roulette. 

It depends on who is playing, and what they enjoy the most. So, let’s take a look at the most popular online casino games, and what exactly it is about these games that make us tick. 


No surprise here, slots are one of the most popular casino games on land and online. Why is this? Well, is it not obvious? Slots are one of the easiest games to play, nearly mindless. Slots are so easy to play, just push a few buttons and pop your coins in, and you’re golden.

The ease of these games are something that make them a favorite, and the fact that they can have very high payouts also makes them desirable. However, not all of them have high payouts, and the chance of winning is very slim. 

Slots can be a bit of a danger zone as well because they are so easy, and there is not really a minimum bet, many will take quarters, which means that you end up spending more than you think you are, very quickly. 


Let’s not forget poker. This is without a doubt one of the most favored games online, by far. Of course, it is favored offline a lot too, but it is not so easy to get a seat at a physical poker table as it is to get a seat at an online poker table, there are just more of them. 

Not to mention the vast array of poker variations out there, there is such variety, types of poker for newbies to the poker world, and poker veterans who want something more challenging. 

Also, online poker provides different experiences as well, you can play electronically, video poker, or live poker with a live dealer! 

Poker games online hold around 21% of all online table game action. 

In recent years there have even been variations that have risen in popularity such as; Pai Gow Poker, and 3 Card Poker. 


Of course, right in the middle is Blackjack, a happy middle ground between ease of play, and strategy to win. Blackjack is one of those games of chance that your own strategy can manipulate to increase your chances of beating the house odds. 

Online, high payouts, the need for strategy, and the variations make this game exceedingly popular in the online gambling scene. 


If slots are not your thing, but you don’t like putting too much thought into your gambling, roulette is the way to go. Roulette is actually more popular than online poker, as it grabs about 24% of the online casino table industry. 

It makes for a great gaming experience, and it offers higher payouts to players. 

Most online casinos give diverse variations of roulette, and you have the choice to play against the house, and a live dealer too! 

You can use betting strategies, but for the most part, it’s just plain luck. 


Baccarat is not all that different from blackjack, but it is more of a game of chance. It is another popular game online, and it often makes up just under 10% of online gaming activity. People enjoy the excitement of baccarat, and it’s more about chance than strategy, and for some people, this is part of the appeal.