Via Pro Football Talk

Jorge Millares of Queen City Unity said he sent the email to 10,000 people on the group’s mailing list, asking for action following the death of George Floyd.

Gill responded to his email by telling Millares he should “spend time in a more productive way,” and that “a better use of time, would be to focus on the black on black crime and senseless killing of our young men by other young men.”

The Panthers issued a statement on Saturday night announcing the end of their partnership.

That email was initially reported by WCNC.

“Last Saturday, we said we are committed to doing our part and we mean it,” the team said in a statement Saturday night. “CPI has been a long term partner but, upon reflection, we feel that it is right to end our relationship. We have informed Mr. Gill of our decision tonight.”

Some people really need to think about what they’re saying before hitting send.

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