After the legalization of gambling in the world, more and more new high-end casinos are appearing on the gambling market. But before visiting one of them, each player must read the rules of etiquette in the gambling establishment.

What you need to know before visiting the casino, how to behave there and what not to do? These tips will be useful not only for beginners but also for experienced gamblers, and will be useful during gambling holidays to any player.

Basics of etiquette in a casino

Be polite and tactful. Every visitor to the casino needs to closely monitor their behavior and treat everyone present with respect – the staff of the institution and other players. Despite the stereotypes imposed by Hollywood movies, the casino should have a calm atmosphere, so you should not interfere with other loud conversations or distract them from the gameplay.

It is important to take only one place at the gaming table. The same applies to slot machines when you choose casino slots online – to play on two machines at the same time or just take another place is prohibited. This will not increase the chances of winning, but will create discomfort for other visitors.

Be restrained. Every casino player must control their own emotions. It doesn’t matter if he wins or loses, you need to master yourself in time. It should be understood that the dealer is not to blame for the fact that the card was not played on the hand or the bet was too high. The result of playing in a casino is a matter of chance, and you need to be ready for anything, and raising your voice, shouting at the croupier or arguing with other participants in the game is a sign of tactlessness.

Learn the rules of the game and the basic gestures of the croupier. When planning a visit to the casino, but not having at least a minimum of gaming experience, you need to prepare for the visit more carefully. It is worth thinking about what games you would like to play, and read their principles and rules, so as not to ask meaningless questions in the process. Sitting at a poker table without knowing the possible combinations is incorrect for the dealer and other players.

In addition, many casinos use a croupier gesture system. They are often used instead of verbally denoting situations that occur at the gaming table. That is why casino visitors should inquire about their significance in order to properly understand everything that is happening. This will help avoid awkward situations and unpleasant consequences.

Respect the time of other players. Playing in a casino is a very responsible business. It is worth thinking carefully about what bet or move to make, continue the game or leave it. But, it doesn’t need to be done for too long so as not to delay others.

At the same time, this rule works in the opposite direction – you can’t immediately push opponents and confuse them. It is worth giving them enough time to make a decision.

Learn how and where you can use cash. Of course, the internal rules in each casino may be different. There are establishments where cash can be used only at the box office to exchange it for chips. Instead, in other casinos you can get chips both at the box office and at the dealer at the table. Before you start the game, you need to know exactly what rules apply where you visited.

However, it is not possible to give money to a croupier even in the second type of casino – it can be perceived as a bribe. To exchange cash for chips, you need to put money on the table and wait. This is due to the fact that all the actions of the dealer in the casino are recorded on camera for the sake of transparency of the game process, safety of visitors and fraud prevention.

Leave a tip. In the casino, as in many other areas of service, it is customary to leave tips to croupiers and waiters – a sign of good manners. Whether the player wins or not, it is worth thanking the staff who tried to make the time at the casino enjoyable and interesting. However, large sums do not need to be left. Tipping can be given in cash, if allowed, or by chip.

Follow the principles of responsible gambling. Players come to the casino to have fun and get a free no deposit casino bonus. However, excitement can seize the gambler and push him to ill-considered decisions. That is why it is always worth remembering the rules of responsible play – to spend a limited amount of money on bets, not to try to win back, to leave the game in time, to control your emotions and keep a sober mind.

What not to do in a casino

Do not use the phone while playing. First of all, it is necessary for the safety of players and to avoid fraud. In addition, using the gadget, the gambler will not be able to focus on the game and disturb other participants.

Do not borrow from other players. Such actions adversely affect the reputation of the visitor and give the impression of an insolvent customer. If a player runs out of money, it’s best to just quit the game.

Do not ask for advice and do not give it in return. Casinos do not discuss the strategy of the game with others. You do not need to insist that another player make a move, or ask the opinions of others, especially the croupier, about their own actions.

Don’t touch the chips when the bets are made. This is prohibited by the rules and may be construed as fraud. The consequences will be unpleasant – the player can be disqualified or even blacklisted by the casino.

Do not fuss and do not be distracted. During the game, it is better to avoid unnecessary conversations and sudden movements, and instead focus on the game. No need to get up and go somewhere during the game. If a player wants to order a drink, you should call the waiter, not go to the bar. If you need to go to the bathroom, you should wait for the end of the party, if possible.

Do not eat at the gaming table. Most casinos are strictly forbidden to eat while playing, and some establishments restrict the use of beverages. However, even if this is not the case, bringing or ordering food at the gaming table is a violation of etiquette. First, it can contaminate the table, cards or chips, and secondly – the characteristic odors and sounds will interfere with other players. Besides, it is quite difficult to control the game and eat at the same time.

Adherence to etiquette in the casino – the key to a pleasant pastime for each player. However, if you do not like this number of rules – you can always go to a virtual casino and play in a comfortable environment.