Senior quarterback Kelly Bryant isn’t going to be sticking around at Clemson.  He’s decided to transfer after it was announced that freshman Trevor Lawrence will be the starting quarterback.

Head coach Dabo Swinney revealed on Tuesday that he had an emotional talk the day before with Bryant about being demoted.  His decision to leave Clemson with three freshman quarterbacks.

Via Greenville News:

“I feel like it’s what’s best for me and my future,” Bryant said in an exclusive interview with The Greenville News. “I was just going to control what I could control and try to make the most of my opportunity, but at the end of the day, I just don’t feel like I’ve gotten a fair shot.”

“They asked me how I felt about it,” Bryant said, recalling his meeting with Swinney. “I was like, ‘I’m not discrediting Trevor. He’s doing everything asked of him, but on my side of it, I feel like I haven’t done anything to not be the starter. I’ve been here. I’ve waited my turn. I’ve done everything y’all have asked me to do, plus more.’

“I’ve never been a distraction. I’ve never been in trouble with anything. To me, it was kind of a slap in the face.”

Why not hand the job over at the end of the season?  What if Lawrence gets hurt and one of the other freshman have to step in and can’t handle it?  It seems like a mistake on Dabo Swinney’s part.  The decision will be second guessed until the end of time.