When you shoot the ball, you need the leg strength to lift you up, and even if you’re a world class athlete like Russell Westbrook, it won’t matter unless you got some juice left in the tank. 

With the Oklahoma City Thunder locked in a close game with the San Antonio Spurs, Russell Westbrook airballs twice as OKC ultimately loses 103-99.  

The Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook was asked whether he regrets attempting his late airballs in OKC’s loss to the San Antonio Spurs.  Of course he gets asked about the embarrassing airballs. Frankly I’m pretty curious myself. 

I don’t know if it’s a basketball IQ thing or what, but Westbrook’s decision making is just piss poor at times, and it’s crazy because he’s got the talent, it’s just his mental game is where he screws up from time to time. Airball or not, I still have all the respect in the world for The Brodie.