In the May 4th application for a peace bond that was obtained by multiple media outlets, Melinda Karlsson alleges that Monika Caryk has harassed Karlsson and her husband online since November 2017.

“Monika Caryk has uttered numerous statements wishing my unborn child dead … uttered that she wished I was dead and that someone should ‘take out’ my husband’s legs to end his career,” the document said.

In an Instagram post mourning his son’s death, Erik Karlsson posted a photo of Axel’s tiny footprints. In the post, Karlsson thanked the city and the team’s fans for their love and support and wrote: “We feel very lucky to be Axel’s parents. Even though he was stillborn, we know we will hold him again one day under different circumstances and the joy he gave us will be with us forever.”

The post garnered more than 10,000 comments, with the overwhelming majority of them expressions of support and sympathy for the couple. However, one comment, posted by user @sandydandy45, stood out: “I feel bad for the baby he didn’t have a chance with Melinda popping pain killer medication everyday.”

The user @sandydandy45 has since deactivated that account. And it looks as if she may have used other accounts to harass as well. Social Media bullying isn’t just a kid problem, it happens at any age. Check out some pics of her below.