United States Senators Jon Tester and Cory Booker played some one-on-one to raise awareness to gain support for net neutrality regulations. 

Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey thought it would be a good idea to challenge his Democratic colleague Sen. Jon Tester of Montana to a quick game of one-on-one, but things quickly took a turn for the worse.


In honor of today’s Day of the Action, @CoryBooker & I had our own #BattleForTheNet. Check out who won and how you can get in the game by calling your Senators and demanding they support our bill. We just need #OneMoreVote to #SaveTheInternet and preserve #NetNeutrality. #mtpol

The highlight for me was Tester practically tackling Booker at the 31-second mark. It was totally a foul. Maybe even a flagrant 1, but who cares, let this guys smash each other.