So Tiger’s girlfriend Erica Herman was there for Tiger when he won his first tournament in over five years. That was her first time witnessing Tiger’s greatness. They embraced after he won, and she gave him a big kiss. 

As a result of her being at the tournament, everyone is trying to get dirt on Tiger’s Girlfriend. 

This comes from the Sun UK

How Tiger Woods’s girlfriend Erica Herman was branded a ‘gold digger’ after pursuing him for ten years – but has now saved his life After backing him in court last year, here’s how Erica, 33, helped to tame the Tiger and make him a champ again. Insiders also said that Erica, who has a background in the hospitality trade, had been hoping to date the pro golfer for a decade.They claimed: “Erica’s been chasing Tiger around like a puppy for close to ten years. I’m not sure if his wife knew, but I’m not sure how she couldn’t know.“I can’t believe Tiger is out in public with her now”.

Say what you will about Erica Herman, Tiger seems happy, and is back to his old self on the course. Obviously anyone who enters into a relationship with Tiger knows about his extreme wealth and fame. 

Calling her a gold digger may not be fair, but hey, when you’re the girlfriend of the most famous athlete on the planet, it goes with the territory. She’ll survive. 

Check out more pics of Erica below: