Sports can affect your grades. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t manage both and excel. While sports can be physically and emotionally demanding, including it in your college pursuits also comes with many benefits. You get to stay fit and healthy, pursue your hobbies, maybe even go pro, and stay happier with improved moods and energy levels, to mention a few advantages. With that in mind, you might be looking for tricks to create enough time to participate in your favorite sport in college without jeopardizing your grades. It is all in time management, a skill that comes in handy in college and beyond as it is transferable. Here are some of the pointers that can set you on the right path.

Break it down

Tech advancements provide a range of planning tools. From your calendar and other planners, you have enough resources to break down your activities even in hours. Planning and tracking apps make the process more productive, especially with reminders. Break down your activities per day, monthly and yearly. This will make it easier to establish major dates, such as assignment deadlines, test days, practice, and competition time. This means that you can prioritize your responsibilities and stay on top of the game as nothing will slip off, only to put more pressure on your progress.

Take what you can manage

Clubs, internships, part-time jobs, among others, make your resume more appealing. However, before taking up more extracurricular, it is advisable to consider your workload and ensure that you won’t be overwhelmed. If an activity demands more time than you can manage to designate, it can affect other aspects and derail your progress. Therefore, evaluate your situation, how much free time you have, and activities that can fit within your schedule to avoid too much pressure that can knock you off balance.

A support system is essential

Do you have a go-to whenever you are struggling with an academic issue, among others? A support system keeps you going. It could be as simple as a pep talk or more like help with your homework. Developing a support system in college isn’t that challenging. From your classmates/friends, professors, counselors, among others, you have a lot at your disposal. The best part is that you can also turn to professional services in situations where such a network can’t help. Can you do my assignment for me and guarantee good grades? With such a simple search engine query, you can access a rich pool of professional services.  Seeking help when you are struggling saves more time and improves your productivity. This makes it easier to maintain good grades and enjoy participating in sports.

Healthy routine

Procrastination is among the top vices every college student has to conquer to enjoy better academic and sports balance. Beating procrastination is not easy. However, it is easier to keep going with a healthy routine even when triggers such as challenging homework hits. Study continuously and work on your homework as soon as possible. With such a routine, you know what comes next.

Developing an easy-to-follow schedule following your priorities makes the process more productive. This means that you won’t be wasting valuable time on unimportant concerns that only affect your academic or athletic performance. With such an approach, you won’t be surprised by fast-approaching homework deadlines. What’s more, you won’t spend more nights struggling to cram when tests are around the corner. As you develop a healthy routine, include quality sleep. Maintaining a sleep pattern helps you to rest, ensuring you are fresh the next day.

Whether you are working to become a pro athlete or pursuing your hobbies while in college, with the above tricks, you are a step closer to enjoying balanced academics and extracurricular activities. You’ll have more time to participate in sports without denting your grades, making the college experience a lot more exciting.