When Donald Trump tells you to stay away from someone, that can only mean a few things. One, He was joking, and knows how Tiger likes his ladies, or two, he didn’t want to compete with Tiger. 

The story from the New Yorker alleges former Playmate of the Year Karen McDougal and Donald Trump had an prolonged relationship after meeting at the Playboy Mansion during a 2006 taping of Celebrity Apprentice.

 Over the course of the affair, Trump flew McDougal to public events across the country but hid the fact that he paid for her travel. “No paper trails for him,” she wrote. “In fact, every time I flew to meet him, I booked/paid for flight + hotel + he reimbursed me.” In July, 2006, McDougal joined Trump at the American Century Celebrity Golf Championship, at the Edgewood Resort, on Lake Tahoe. At a party there, she and Trump sat in a booth with the New Orleans Saints quarterback, Drew Brees, and Trump told her that Brees had recognized her, remarking, “Baby, you’re popular.” (Brees, through a spokesman, denied meeting Trump or McDougal at the event.) At another California golf event, Trump told McDougal that Tiger Woods had asked who she was. Trump, she recalled, warned her “to stay away from that one, LOL.”  

Trump and Tiger are two peas in a pod. They love golf, and they really love the ladies. Just imagine Trump and Tiger in a locker room talking, talk about some juicy locker room talk.

Check out more pictures of Karen McDougal below.