Women’s USA Hockey star Kendall Coyne Schofield said Tuesday she is changing her tune when it comes to Colin Kaepernick and his decision to kneel during the national anthem.

Coyne Schofield wrote in a statement on social media that she was one of the people who dismissed Kaepernick when he decided to protest in 2016. She said since then she has “listened and I learned.”

Her message came after protests against racial brutality sparked last week when Floyd died in a police-involved incident with a Minneapolis police officer.

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Coyne Schofield reportedly wrote in 2016 she was “disgusted” with Kaepernick when he decided to kneel during the national anthem to protest racial injustice and police brutality across the U.S.

Coyne Schofield appears to be among those who are starting to view Kaepernick’s protest differently in the wake of Floyd’s death.

Flip the Page to see her tweet:  
