Warriors guard Patrick McCaw was stretchered off the court on Saturday night after he landed hard after a foul by Vince Carter.  Carter undercut McCaw as he attempted a shot at the basket causing McCaw to land on his back.

The fall left McCaw unable to feel his lower half.  It also left Carter with regret for undercutting the Warriors guard.

Carter was clearly affected by the play and voiced his concerns for McCaw during his postgame meeting with the media.  

According to the Warriors PR department, McCaw was taken to the  hospital for x-rays, MRI and CT scans.  His x-rays and MRI were both clear.  Whether or not he had a CT scan or what the results of his CT scan were not yet known.

Hopefully McCaw is able to make a full recovery from his injury.  You hate to hear a young guy lose feeling in his lower half.