For an athlete there are many factors at play when it comes to their performance, including clear vision. If you wear prescription glasses for vision correction, they do hinder a sportsperson’s performance. Adults with vision problems like astigmatism, near-sightedness or far-sightedness are a common issue and can easily be rectified with contact lenses.

Some of the advantages of wearing contact lenses over eye-glasses are:

Unobstructed field of view– when compared to glasses contact lenses provide a wider and unobstructed field of view as the frames of glasses can block your vision from certain angles. You have a better view of your surroundings and can react faster to objects or players coming at you.

Fogginess and splattering- contact lenses don’t get foggy or have splatters when it rains or due to other weather conditions.

Less chances of injury– while playing sports, especially contact sports, your eyeglasses can crack or break leading to potential eye injury.

Stability in vision- When wearing glasses you can feel it moving while running and this causes a disruption in your vision. With contact lenses you don’t need to worry about them moving.

Better compatibility with sports equipment– certain sports require wearing protective head-gear or goggles, contact lenses lets you use these seamlessly without having to adjust the fit.

Tinted contact lenses like Anesthesia Addict help reduce glare while playing a sport. These kinds of contact lenses filter the light coming in and give the athlete greater visual comfort and it doesn’t interfere with your reaction to a baseball or soccer ball coming your way.

Some of the more popular tints for sports contact lenses are Amber and Gray-Green. Amber lenses are preferred for sports such as baseball, tennis and soccer. You can try Anesthesia Addict Oro which is blend of Beige and Honey. These lenses with Arc-ed edge design fit your eyes seamlessly and can be worn for hours without experiencing dryness. Due to its Arc Edge technology it doesn’t hinder the eyes ‘micro-circulation’ and allows the natural tear flow. Gray-Green lenses are often recommended for golf, running and biking.

Custom tinted contact lenses are available with or without power, but can usually be bought only with a valid contact lens prescription.  Many soft-contact lens brands offer some level of protection against ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. It is common knowledge that UV rays can harm your skin, but it can harm your eyes as well.

If you want to avoid having to clean and disinfecting your contact lens then using daily disposable contact lens maybe an ideal solution for you. You can dispose them after a single day wear and you don’t need lens solution.

Dry eyes can also pose a problem for contact lens wearer especially for players who keep their eyes open without blinking in games such as hockey or racquetball players.

For this issue, GP contact lenses may be better. These lenses are also called rigid gas permeable or RPG lenses. As these lenses are rigid, they keep their shape on the eyes. This helps with better correction of corneal abnormalities and astigmatism. They allow more oxygen to reach the eyes and as the surface of these glasses is hard, debris doesn’t collect very easily on these lenses. GP lenses don’t absorb the tears from your eyes like soft lenses hence making it a perfect solution for longer wear and dry eyes.

However GP lenses also have some disadvantages, one of them being that their rigidity takes some getting used to. As a result of which it makes it difficult to wear them only on a part-time basis when playing sports.

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