When a serious relationship ends, it may feel like the whole world is caving in on you. It can be a nightmare that feels like it’s dragging itself along forever.

We all love to think that the comfort, safety, and love that comes with a serious relationship is meant to last. We can’t help thinking that way because we’re human and naturally want what’s good for ourselves.

Now, when all those dreams, experiences, and future expectations turn to smoke before our eyes, the sense of loss and grief can be unimaginable.

But what’s next?

Well, life is a bittersweet package. And while the end of a relationship may seem like the end of everything, it really isn’t.

Here are things you can do to cope, heal, and take control of your life once again:

1. Allow Yourself to Feel

The end of a relationship often comes with a storm of emotions. This is a natural reaction to losing something you valued.

Allow yourself to experience these emotions, whichever way they present themselves. If you’re angry, let yourself be angry. If you feel sadness, grief, or emptiness, then let it all wash over you.

There’s no shame in feeling vulnerable, broken, or insecure after a breakup or even divorce. These are all expected reactions.

By allowing these emotions, you’ll learn how to work through them and find yourself at the end. Remember, you can’t process things by ignoring them.

2. Go Out More

Many times people shut themselves off when their relationships fail. It’s a coping mechanism but even more so a defensive instinct.

The thing is, while closing yourself off feels like it’s protecting you, it doesn’t do much to help you move forward. It keeps you suspended in the past, making you feel like the best moments are already gone.

But that’s far from the truth.

So long as you’re alive, you can still create wonderful memories and build new connections that’ll be just as fulfilling as the previous ones.

So, where should you begin when you’re basically at your lowest?

Start by not isolating yourself. Get out of the house more and have a good time. You probably have hobbies. Your interest in them doesn’t die out with the relationship. 

By going out more, you’ll begin to smile more. You’ll start to fill up that emptiness with positive vibes.

3. Seek Support

During turbulent times in our lives, we all need support.

The people closest to you, like family and friends, can help you pull through. 

When one relationship ends, you need people around you who remind you every day that some relationships last a lifetime.

So, ask for and embrace support.

4. Find Your Independence

The truth about relationships is that we grow dependent on the other person. It’s not bad or unhealthy because being with someone is all about sharing and learning to be the other half of a pair.

After a while, we tend to forget what it was like to be fully ourselves. You may not even imagine life without the other person.

However, you had a life without that person, and it wasn’t any less complete: just different.

When you find yourself alone again, take it as an opportunity to rediscover yourself as you used to be.

5. Seek Treatment

The painful emotions that come with the loss of a relationship are generally harmless. Sure, you can be affected physically and psychologically as your body releases lots of stress hormones, but it gets better.

However, there are instances where such life-changing events become so stressful they trigger depression. In that case, it’s important to seek treatment.

Remember, depression is a serious condition that can be damaging to your life.

Your doctor may also suggest seeing a therapist to help improve your state of mind.

6. Give Generously

Research supports generosity as a way of boosting happiness and contentment in our lives. It’s human nature to want to do things that have meaning and make a difference in other people’s lives.

Being of service to others can bring peace and fulfillment to your heart, and that’s important when you’re going through a tough time.

Find causes you believe in and offer to volunteer. Donate things to charity, and if you’re able, donate blood as it may end up saving someone’s life.

If you’re serious about donating blood, you may want to review your health status to make sure it’s safe for you. Learn more here about things that disqualify you from being a donor.


When you ask yourself what to do after a serious relationship ends, remember this:

There really isn’t much you can do but move on. It’s going to be challenging, but it’s the best thing you do for yourself.

Remember that mistakes happen, but ultimately they are life lessons. You pick up the good and keep going.