Anxiety attacks can be rather intimidating. But the unfortunate truth is that anxiety disorders are known to be among the most common mental health issues affecting 40 million adults in the US. Studies show that the majority of US citizens of 18 years and older are prone to experiencing regular anxiety attacks.

The issues can catch you by surprise. And even if you have never experienced it before, our lives are full of stress these days, so you never know which event can start a chain reaction and become your boiling point. Thus, for the sake of your own mental health and well-being, it is vital to know how to cope with these issues, especially when you enter the job market and become even more exposed to mental pressure.

Whether you are just planning to start your career or are already an established professional in your career field, this article will tell you about the most effective ways for fighting anxiety at different stages of your path. Let’s dive in!

Why Do Anxiety Attacks Begin?

Later on, we will tell you how to cope with this issue. But, first, it is vital that you understand why these problems happen in the first place.

So, what are the causes? The reason can be pretty much any. First of all, there are a number of genetic and health factors or conditions such as OCD, excessive caffeine use, traumatic experiences, phobias, etc.

Apart from that, the most common causes include

  • financial concerns;
  • family problems;
  • changing life situations;
  • work pressure.

Eventually, all possible causes get down to the two core problems – feeling overwhelmed or stressed, which are the main triggers of anxiety attacks.

Why does this happen at work? Well, that makes pretty good sense if you think of how much stress individuals experience on their professional path.

Now, how to deal with it?

Handling Anxiety Attacks During the Job Search

The first uncomfortable feelings may occur right at the beginning of your path. For many job seekers, the process of the creation of their applications is the first stressful point of their careers. Indeed, one can feel excessive pressure when they have to craft a winning resume, then seek out options, apply for jobs, and wait for someone to hire them.

There are several ways to avoid real problems.

  1. Get professional help with your CV. If you need a resume that meets all requirements of potential employers, use a professional CV writing service to boost your chances to attract recruiters. This way, you will get a flawless job application that will help you land a job and, at the same time, will reduce the tension.
  2. Save up an emergency fund. It is good to know that you have some cash for living in case your job search doesn’t go as quickly and well as you’d wish.

Take your time. When there is time pressure, there is always additional tension. Thus, it is always good to have enough time to seek your dream job.

Handling Anxiety Attacks During the Interview

Everyone is looking forward to the moment when they land an interview while being a job applicant. But when this finally happens and the recruiter’s questions catch you by surprise, you can also suffer from anxiety attacks. Apart from the not-so-great well-being, this can also become a significant obstacle on your way to landing the chosen position.

To impress recruiters during the interview and make them want to employ you, you will have to find ways to suppress the rising feeling of disturbance. Here are a few tips for dealing with it.

  1. Prepare well. The more prepared for your interview you are, the fewer reasons you will have for feeling worried. First, make sure that you have all the necessary documents, including a bot-beating resume, a great cover letter, excellent recommendations, etc. Also, be sure you know enough about your potential employer. Finally, do practice your questions and answers.
  2. Minimize additional stress factors. Certain things, such as uncomfortable clothing or showing up late, can add even more pressure on you on the big day. Be sure to avoid or, at least, minimize these factors.
  3. Take care of your overall well-being. To feel comfortable, healthy, and relaxed on the day of the interview, be sure to get enough sleep, eat a nutritious meal, and keep your body hydrated. Also, consider exercising or meditation in the morning to boost your energy level and get into the right mood.

Handling Anxiety Attacks Once You’re Employed

Finally, even after you hear from the hiring manager that you’re hired, there still will be many challenges and stressful situations at the workplace. So, here are a few extra tips on handling them.

  1. Avoid stressful situations. Unfortunately, there is no one general tip on minimizing stress that would work for everyone. But you can try different methods to see what suits you. For example, try meditating, doing sports, listening to music, engaging in arts, etc.
  2. Learn to recognize when it’s coming. If you are prone to anxiety attacks, it is vital to know exactly what your symptoms are and learn to recognize them in advance. Some common symptoms include heart racing, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc.
  3. Know common techniques. Two effective techniques will help you overcome attacks when they are already taking place. The first one is called TIP – it includes applying something cold to your body, doing some intensive exercise, and using progressive breathing techniques. The second effective method is progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) – you can find a detailed explanation on the web.
  4. Drink plenty of water. Drinking lots of water helps both prevent and overcome anxiety attacks.

The Bottom Line

The acceptance and reappraisal of your problem help much more than trying to pretend that nothing is happening to you. Thus, one more final tip we’d like to give you is to accept that you are facing anxiety attacks and look for methods to deal with them.

Hopefully, this article will help you find a solution!