Ben Simmons is doing some talking. 

While much of the negative attention has been on the Los Angeles Lakers as of late, there is no doubt that the Brooklyn Nets are just as bad. They only have one win on the season, and they seem to have no chemistry. Their defense is awful, and things keep going from bad to worse.

Over the weekend, the Nets ended up losing to the Indiana Pacers, which is a team you are supposed to beat. The loss was so bad that the Nets decided to have a players-only meeting in the locker room. These are typically a sign that things are going badly, which is true of the Nets.

According to ClutchPoints, Ben Simmons believes the meeting actually went very well. He didn’t include specifics on what was said, but he believes it was productive and that it will lead to some wins in the immediate future.

“It was honest. We had a conversation that obviously I’m not gonna talk about, but it was honest,” Simmons said. “That’s what winning teams do, hold each other accountable. Be open and talk to your teammates and respect that.”

As for Kevin Durant, he made sure to note that no one is happy right now. The tone in the locker room is somber, but it’s because guys just want to win games. KD seems optimistic that things will change, but if they don’t, we can only imagine what’s going to happen.

“Whatcha think? We lost four games in a row. I must be excited about that? Of course we’re pissed,” Durant said. “We enjoy basketball. We like to win, though. Of course when we lose the game, it’s going to be a somber mood in the locker room. It’ll change once we start playing some good basketball. We got a lot of basketball to be played.”

This is going to be a long season if the Nets can’t get on the right track. 

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