Dak Prescott
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Dak Prescott

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Let the fun begin!! I can't wait to see who pops up next!

And so it begins. Jadyn Jannasch (@jadynjannasch) has been linked to Dak as a “casual rebound date.” She’s a Natalie clone—blonde and tall with an April bday.

Not sure if this is anything. She’s a baby (20), from Frisco and on the swim team at LSU. According to the article on Page Six, her dad who works at Monument Realty introduced her to Dak. Dad has joked about being tight with Dak (he isn’t really). 

She brought a few teammates to AT&T to watch Dak (or the whole team)—but doesn’t say which games. She has told teammates that they were “active” over the holidays. Right now not much going on with her at LSU and him in TX per the article which reads like she/friend may have given the tip.

Her IG shows no connection to Dak or the team. They don’t even follow each other. She doesn’t follow the team or FFF etc. No pics from the stadium or her wearing a 4 jersey. Looks like she was dating a Cleveland Browns player beginning of the season—went to several of his pre-season games. I guess Dak had a little bit of down time over the holidays, but not much. She also has meets/practice from Sept.—mid February. 

The article is very vague so things could have happened or maybe not. Dak, she’s 20—way too young.


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I have seen these articles pop up. And he s made the Rickey Smiley morning show gossip and that says a lot. Of course his information was wrong saying she broke up with him.because she was tired and he lost to San Fran. We all know this is all lies. I don't know where they got that info but now that the news of him and his rebound is out, the off season is going to be interesting. I agree with you Bugaboo that the new girl is too young. He needs someone a little closer to his age especially with him turning 30 this year. Can't wait to see these next few months. 

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It took long enough but Natalie has torn down most of her Dak shrine. The pics for his bday in 2020 and 2021 are gone. The sad pic from NFL Honors is gone. She still has a pic of them kissing during her bday in 2021. Looks like she is trying to show what she was doing in 2020-2021 without showing Dak. Hard to show she had a life apart from his when she tagged around with him everywhere he went.

Wonder what triggered it? The one year anniversary of the awkward NFL Honors event is in a few days. It was time to do this months ago.

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@bugaboo I just saw that. She is finally letting it go. Pretty sure she read and saw the articles about him and Jadyn. Time to move on with your life Natalie. Unfollowing should be the next step.

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NFL Honors red carpet—Dak looking really good. All by himself. A lot of guys walked the red carpet by themselves. CeeDee was there by himself and Micah Parsons is there with Malcolm.


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"Dak Prescott & guest" lol - I found this by searching Dak's most recent photos on Getty images. She's in three photos, not sure if this is his actual date or a charity thing because she doesn't really match him like Natalie did last year. She also doesn't seem prepared to walk a red carpet with a star quarterback but this may be his off-season fling instead of the LSU swimmer. Didn't see anything compelling out of Kylee this year, in fact she didn't go to games at all this year. Last update is that before Tad left Instagram, he and Natalie had unfollowed one another lol. Natalie got follower boosts throughout the season every game day and whenever she got new media coverage, but other than that she's consistently losing followers.

One of Dak's new follows is a private account with a sexy profile pic of Jasmine from Aladdin with the username @juicebxk - could be the girl pictured or could be someone else...he's definitely back in action though lmaooo


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@honeybee lolllll I’m so intrigued now to find out who she is. I agree with her being unprepared. Her toenails are not even painted, no way would I step out on a red carpet without them atleast polished.

This post was modified 1 year ago by Escobars

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@honeybee and @escobars. I’m going to disagree that this lady is Dak’s gf or whatever. She looks much older than him and not red carpet ready as you pointed out. The biggest reason is she is not seen with him at all except in that pic. Dak walked the red carpet alone and he sat next to Peter Miller (agent) at the NFL Honors ceremony. When he got up to accept the award, he hugged Miller and CeeDee—-no female near him. A date would have been right there.

I know Dak was crunched for time in his speech, but he really just thanked Pops for helping with FFF and no any mention of him influencing Dak growing up. Obviously, his heart is with his mom and he really ended that speech on an emotional note. Neither Tad nor Pops were there—kind of odd. 

Interesting that Tad unfollowed Natalie before he went dark on sm. Holly had 1 pic of Tad with Addy fishing and that’s it of Tad since NYE. She’s had nothing about the wedding since Dec.

In pics from other Super Bowl week events—Wheels Up, Bud Light concert Dak was flying solo. He didn’t do nearly as many endorsement appearances this year and no real interviews. Other than getting the WPMOY award, he really kept things low key. Going to all those events by himself says to me, he’s still looking. LoL.

Getting booed when he was introduced as the WPMOY at the game was disgusting. I hope that motivates this team to destroy Philly this year. Dealing with all that negativity plus the disappointment from the season may have put a damper on his social life.

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Long time lurker. I have tried to post a few times and failed.

I noticed Dak likes the camera and won’t turn down a pic with a lady.

Anyway, the lady in the blue dress is Diana Flores. She had a Super Bowl commercial where is was running through the streets. Not familiar with flag football but her position is “quarterback “ for Mexican flag football. She is 25. 


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@fangyrl843 Welcome!

Great find on Diana. There was a girl in a black pant suit that is a QB of the US flag football team. I had no idea flag football was this popular!!! The girls were on a big PR tour that included the Super Bowl. 

Dak does love a camera lens and he seems to understand his face does get attention for a cause or person with him. 

Dak definitely did this Super Bowl by himself. This may be like last offseason—we would see Dak at certain events like TXCCF and FFF and otherwise, he keeps things very DL.

Great find

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Stumbled across a small article about Dak/Jadyn in a gossip rag. Said Zeke had indicated it was false. Dallas TV IG posted the Dak/Jadyn “announcement” on 1/26. Zeke (it was his IG), commented with the cap 🧢 which means fake/false. That seems to be the case. She never has posted a pic of the two of them, doesn’t follow him, team etc. She had an increase in followers and that number is dropping.

Meanwhile, Dak has kept things quiet. Saw pics of him at the Beacon of Hope lunch. Not the type of event he would take a date to. Pops and the director of FFF were with him. Then at Northpark Mall for a Texas CCF event. Saw a video of him walking in to the mall and he was totally alone. Other than that he was off fishing with Cobi and a few D4B and practicing on his field.

Tad gets married in less than a week. Holly posted a couple pics of the church (no name was shown) and Holly is off for a bachelorette weekend in Nashville. 

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Not much going on but Dak seems to be back to his old self, Nat is going to a lot of weddings lol and Tad and Holly are finally married. Holly looked really pretty in her wedding dress. There was a small vid of her and Tad dancing and she changed to Holly Prescott. Hope Tad is good to her. Man I wish he would get back on social media though. Used to follow him on Snapchat too.  Maybe he can get back on since they're married now. 😂 

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Just saw more video on Jeremy's page at the wedding. Saw Dak up there and also when Tad and Holly were walking down the aisle after the wedding. He had this brown suit on. Honestly he didn't look that happy but maybe  he was tired. 

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Posted by: @queenie

Just saw more video on Jeremy's page at the wedding. Saw Dak up there and also when Tad and Holly were walking down the aisle after the wedding. He had this brown suit on. Honestly he didn't look that happy but maybe  he was tired. 

Uncle Phil has some videos and pics from the wedding on his FB page and there are some other pics on FB. Looks like Dak’s “job” was to take care of Mack (ring bearer) and Mack looked unhappy in every pic I saw of him. 2 yo kids don’t do well with weddings. That may explain Dak’s look after the ceremony. 😂 Addy and Kennedy were also in the wedding.

Caitlin Rance was at the wedding and posted quite a few stories. Cobi had some pics up as stories too. He also made sure everyone knows his bday party is April 1 at GVODallas given by the D4B. Zeke was there—maybe ceremony only?

Big question is did Dak have a date? By the pics/video, it sure doesn’t look like it. Phil has a video of the reception with most of the wedding party on the dance floor, but nobody was dancing! Lol Looked like a middle school dance—guys stood in a group and the girls were waiting to dance with someone. Dak seemed to be enjoying himself at that point, but wasn’t dancing with anyone.

Last night Caitlin was at the Luke Combs concert in a suite. Dak was there too. Saw some pics of the O line, Cooper Rush and Jake Ferguson so guessing it was a group bonding night per QB1. No sign of any single female hanging around.

Natalie is doing Natalie things—spending large amounts of $ and posting on IG. She’s back in FL celebrating her mom’s bday. Wonder what Natalie has planned for her own bday? Might want to skip the yacht trips in the Bahamas—-didn’t end well at all.


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Posted by: @bugaboo

Natalie is doing Natalie things—spending large amounts of $ and posting on IG. She’s back in FL celebrating her mom’s bday. Wonder what Natalie has planned for her own bday? Might want to skip the yacht trips in the Bahamas—-didn’t end well at all.

I heard a news anchor say "it's Monday, April 10" and thought to myself, 'wow, it's been 4 years since Natalie leaked the Marie Antoinette "Let Them Eat Cake" COVID birthday party picture to TMZ. Dak caught hell over that. Hope Natalie enjoyed her 15 minutes.

Wonder did he privately wish her a happy bday? Also wonder if Momma Buffett is spending time in Dallas with Natalie?

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