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Dak Prescott

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@queenie. Not surprised Halle and Momma E are still connected. There seemed to be a real warmth in their friendship. Zeke and Halle had been together since 2017 so Halle has seen many Cowboys gfs come and go. She and Sasha Lawrence were real tight. Guess she and NB can go have drinks and talk about old times. Neither will be a Cowboys wife. Wow!

Kennedy is very cute!! She just looks like a sweet teenage girl. I think Brian was every Dak gf buddy. He really came across as a bestie with NB…..she always looked more relaxed and happy with him than she ever did with Dak. He was a restaurant buddy with SJ until she dropped the maternity pic and that’s ended.

As for IG follows……..a couple of weeks ago, I noticed SJ follows were up to 1,086. That seemed like a big increase. A few days later, down to 1,078. So she unfollowed 8 people? Now she’s slowly building it back up. Following Cooper Rush’s mom (??) and Peighton Jarwin. Totally off the wall. I swear she looks on NB’s follows and picks people out! Very recently she unfollowed Nelson Agholor! Why did she even follow him that long? She’s about ready to pop out supposedly Dak’s baby and has been following him all this time???

What strikes me as weird is she “liked” a pic NA posted on June 13, 2023. Don’t know when she liked it, but by that date, NA was finished with OTAs so he would have about 6 weeks free and lives in Tampa. By that date, she had spent 2 weekends with Dak. Guess she still wasn’t convinced he was the guy??? Doubt she followed NA because she was a football fan. He’s single and signed a nice contract with the Ravens. The whole thing smacks of her playing around with single NFL players until she had that + pregnancy test!

Looks like NB is having a nice Valentines weekend with Jack. He has to start spring training this coming week so guess NB will be in FL til end of March. Will be interesting to see where she goes after. Live with him in Detroit? Go back to  Dallas? 

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Well, RDP took Valentines Day off. Whew! SJ posted a pic last night of a Dior handbag (cost @$6k) so assume it was from Dak. SJ didn’t tag him or thank him. Nothing at all today from either one. No flowers or IG pics with Valentines wishes. So about 9:330p, SJ puts up a pic of a sad looking meal saying “breakfast for dinner.” She called today “love day.” Looked like she grabbed food laying around (microwave pancakes) and tried to make it look like a meal. She tagged Dak and naturally he didn’t repost it.

It’s Valentine’s Day and they couldn’t do door dash or Hoppie? That meal smacks of him say he wasn’t coming and she threw together some food to make it look like a fun Valentines dimmer. Why did she even post it? 

Dak and Valentines Day hasn’t been good. Remember NB and the “engagement” on the beach? I think the following V Day he did just like today—-nothing. NB didn’t post anything either. That was the year they broke up.

Well, NB can sit back and say Jack gave her a nice V Day weekend. 

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@bugaboo Yep NB got the better VDay. Wow a purse how romantic. Jack did a way better job. The relationship is blah!! It was a meet up, sleep together, get pregnant and that's it. No substance, no getting to know each other. She has done everything that NB has done with him. Nothing different. Chris concert, rv riding, trip to Bahamas, it's just all the same. The Vday dinner was also boring. Dak did put it in his story. He probably was embarrassed lol..

Oh did you catch SJ posting about a coffee machine saying "we have them all over the house?" I was like who is we? And who cares. She also went to see Halle at her job to get her face done. I'm just waiting for this girl to pop already. Her stomach is literally leaning over 😁. It has been two weeks right?

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@bugaboo NB would hate living in Detroit. I couldn't see it but if she wants to be with Jack, she might live in a closer area like Auburn Hills or Southfield. There is way more diversity in those two cities and more places to go. But they seem to be in a really good place. She might get that ring finally.

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Y'all I'm laughing cause SJ is in here reading our stuff. Everytime someone says something, she does it. Make it look obvious why don't you? I said last week how she wasn't following KP and now all of a sudden she is. And how I was following her (KP) and now she took me off her follows. Its cool. She doesn't know me. I get it.

But SJ posted her flowers from Dak. Everyday is not Valentine's with him SJ and it won't be that much longer after MJ is born. 

She may be on here reading but this is nothing compared to what's going on at LSA. Wonder who'll she follow next from NB's list lol.

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Posted by: @queenie

Y'all I'm laughing cause SJ is in here reading our stuff. Everytime someone says something, she does it. Make it look obvious why don't you? I said last week how she wasn't following KP and now all of a sudden she is. And how I was following her (KP) and now she took me off her follows. Its cool. She doesn't know me. I get it.

But SJ posted her flowers from Dak. Everyday is not Valentine's with him SJ and it won't be that much longer after MJ is born. 

I broke out laughing when I saw those posts. 1st the cookies…..I think they were partially in the Dior bag pic so they’re not new. Sent from a bakery run by teen. Good for her. She wanted the Dak follow. Don’t know why these WAGs think they’re important. I don’t think the bakery is in TX. so not sure if a Dak follow will help her.

Really SJ? Those roses look like something a high school boy would send. Dak has oodles of money. When he sends flowers, they are expensive and professionally arranged. I counted 8 roses. Who sends 8 roses? Looks like SJ put therm in a vase and tried to make it look pretty. In her rush, she showed most of HER kitchen which clearly isn’t Dak’s kitchen. Hoppie has a pic in Dak’s kitchen in his IG gallery. In seeing SJ’s kitchen, I now know that pasta dinner was made there. So she was living there in early December. Yeah, that says love. Lol 

Here’s the problem SJ. When you start lying (about where you live), people have to question everything. Obviously you’re pregnant….is Dak really the dad? Did Dak even get you the Dior or did you order it for yourself? Lots of questions SJ. The more you create stories that are fake, the easier it is to get caught. 


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Posted by: @queenie


Oh did you catch SJ posting about a coffee machine saying "we have them all over the house?" I was like who is we? And who cares. She also went to see Halle at her job to get her face done. I'm just waiting for this girl to pop already. Her stomach is literally leaning over 😁. It has been two weeks right?

The coffee maker was so ridiculous. She was trying make it look like  she was with Dak so suddenly there are Keurigs all over “our” house. How lazy are you and Dak? Can’t walk into the kitchen to get coffee? She took such a tight shot of the machine, you couldn’t see where it was. BTW SJ, women in the 3rd trimester are supposed to cut caffeine way back. The use of “we” and “our” was so over the top. She just makes her lies stand out.

How long does she think she can keep this up? Lots of people know already that she doesn’t live with him. Saw a comment on X that she would walk out of  the stadium with him, but then left while he signed autographs and he headed out in another direction. Wonder if something about her living in another house  made her mad and she dropped the maternity pics as a shot at him? She had to agree to live in another home, he couldn’t force her. She should have stayed in Tampa.

In all of her pics, we see nothing baby related. If you don’t look at the shower pics, there’s no indication she’s going to be a mom. All the focus should be on that little girl, not getting expensive stuff for V Day. 


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Peep the initials on the micro Dior bag - MJRP - seems like little MJ’s initials are another result of a broken home - Mommy will always be a Ramos, not a Prescott, so sadly MJ has to have that split household reflected in her government name.

Didn’t we think Dak had gotten Natalie a Birkin? I remember her showing off one I think on the plane back from the Bahamas, or maybe she just wanted us to think he got it for her. If he did, then SJ really got shorted on her V-Day spread. Natalie also got a solo trip to the Dominican Republic - you got grocery store chocolate. Dak buying a designer purse is like a regular person buying Takis at the gas station - it’s chump change to him. This is the best he’s got? It’s so sad to see romance being the same bags over and over again as if these women never have anything else to them but wanting designer purses. But if materialism matters to you, Natalie got more expensive gifts that’s for sure. Meanwhile his baby is pressing on your cervix ready to pop out. After seeing his V day gifts I sense a deep resentment of her like he’s ready to get the baby out and to start moving on to the next phase of his life.

Where’s the engagement ring Sarah Jane? It was V-Day and you’re about to have his child - where’s the ring??? Perfect time to tie this whole fiasco up and make you an honest woman and not a baby mama - where’s the ring?

Do you all think he would have gotten grocery store chocolate for Natalie? Or been cheap with a girl with trust fund money? I don’t think so. Jack filled a room with balloons and flowers before the actual holiday and posts pics of them having fun together as a couple - he doesn’t just repost what his woman puts up. Night and day from Dak.

Her pancakes and waffles look like a mix and her biscuits always look canned. She only knows how to cook pretty much the same sad breakfast and the pasta, Cesar salad, and Caprese salad dinner. Cooking the same tired meals ain’t keeping that man!

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Part of the reason she may be acting out over the past several months is that the late stage hormones/physical changes are really kicking her ass and she’s not getting the red carpet rollout she must have imagined in her wildest hoe dreams prior to conception. If she thinks it’s bad now she’ll only feel worse after the birth and the work of a newborn with no partner living full time under the same roof to equally carry the burden sets in. I saw someone joke once on Twitter that the only women who get postpartum depression are the ones without supportive partners. Obviously that’s not a science, but Dak doesn’t want to live with her and his infant daughter in the same house - I can’t imagine that not causing PPD in a new mother. He’s not the type who can be forced into anything by a woman so good luck chica!

She needs to learn to be happy with the fact that he's done right by her and the child more than the average athlete or man would in a situation like this with a woman like her. This is the best she's going to get it seems. Enjoy it while it lasts.

This post was modified 5 months ago by HoneyBee

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@HoneyBee Preach sister!! I’m sure the hormones have SJ going nuts. Her fantasy of having a loving baby daddy waiting on her hand/foot in the last stages of pregnancy has disappeared. Instead, she’s had to fly friends from FL in to keep her company. Notice no pics of hanging out with Holly? No pics of her with any WAGs now?

I absolutely believe she waddled down to her local grocery store yesterday am and grabbed some roses/candy. The day after V Day, little is left which may explain the 8 roses in a vase. The roses were already blooming so no florist would have sent them since they’ll only last a couple of days. She knew her V Day was a huge swing and a miss so she was trying to do whatever to make it look good. Dak reposted the pic of the “dinner” about 5-6am (using IG time) the next day. He made no comment. She didn’t tag him in the flowers/cookies pics. Obviously there was an agreement about No IG V Day message cuz she sent nothing and he sure stayed away from anything like that.

At the time, we thought the Birkin was from Dak, but knowing now about the Buffett wealth, could have been from Momma B or NB bought it herself. However it went down, NB had the much more expensive V Day in the DR. SJ is just NB on a budget. She’s certainly building her own Dak shrine. 

And no ring! V Day and no ring. There never was any “love.” Just lust and that went away as soon as she said, “I’m pregnant.” This was a summer hookup as far as Dak was concerned. In an interview in early August he said his relationship status was PENDING! Pending after they had been together for 2 months and she had been at training camp! If she wasn’t pregnant, it would have been over before the season started and she knew it.

She may think she’s hit the jackpot financially. But what about all that time alone? Trying to keep up appearances gets tiring especially when the baby daddy isn’t helping. Dak will move on tastefully with his life and SJ? Not sure how many guys will be interested in her. She’s 30+ with a kid and reputation. 


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Posted by: @bugaboo

However it went down, NB had the much more expensive V Day in the DR. SJ is just NB on a budget. She’s certainly building her own Dak shrine. 

She held out for as long as she could. She reads the blogs and she's read us chastising NB about posting Dak to her gallery before Dak posted her. SJ seemed like she was going to have more patience, but, nope. They're all the same and can't help themselves.

After FINALLY getting Dak to take the naked belly pictorial with her - which proves he wasn't involved in the first one - she STILLLL didn't hit his gallery. 

MJ will, eventually. 

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What are the odds she tried to get Dak to go shirtless and he said "hell naw," lol.

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Posted by: @queenie

But SJ posted her flowers from Dak. Everyday is not Valentine's with him SJ and it won't be that much longer after MJ is born. 

She may be on here reading but this is nothing compared to what's going on at LSA. Wonder who'll she follow next from NB's list lol.

Dak must be behaving himself with MJ's birth being imminent. SJ is confusing that for a commitment. She's going to learn the hard way. 

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Posted by: @audrey-hepburn

Posted by: @bugaboo

After FINALLY getting Dak to take the naked belly pictorial with her - which proves he wasn't involved in the first one - she STILLLL didn't hit his gallery. 

MJ will, eventually. 

What she got from Dak was a repost of a pic with Loading……. Such a jock comment. Then he posted another with no comment and didn’t say anything on her IG post. She’s gone way overboard on the maternity pics. These really aren’t different from the Christmas pics if you take out the dogs. 

The kissing was very meh…she was kissing him in one and in the last pic, they just grinned and touched lips. She did overkill on all the maternity pics. Some of the hard core Cowboy folks on Twitter did even bother with these. I guess Sportskeeda will eventually. I thought Tad’s comment that SJ did share was nice. 


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Posted by: @audrey-hepburn

What are the odds she tried to get Dak to go shirtless and he said "hell naw," lol.

What are the odds she tried to get these pics dropped on V Day? Wouldn’t the lovey dovey parents to be want pics put out on Feb. 14? Bet the answer to that was “shit No!”


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