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Dak Prescott

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@queenie. Well, SJ has followed her mom again. I bet she told her mom, she unfollowed her by accident. Lol. Interesting that she followed Tyler Guyton (rookie offensive tackle) and he didn’t follow her. He probably thought a 30 yo baby momma is too cringe looking to follow. 

You can’t tell me that SJ didn’t follow NB at some point. She goes to the same stores/restaurants in Highland Park and used the same mua for the Texas CCF gala. GAWD. I’m sure she was disappointed with the lack of pics of her at that event. All she had to repost was the pic of the mua. The hair was very high school prom. 

NB is moving. She didn’t say where. Maybe moving in with Jack?

Ok, the Celeb Fight Night. The pic used by that foundation on their IG was a solo pic of Dak on the red carpet. The Dak-SJ pic didn’t surface until the next day and it was Dak taking a pic of a photo. They looked like an ice dance team doing a routine to some overused Spanish music. Once I saw it, I couldn’t unsee it. The CFN gala is a big deal. Dak was there to get a prestigious award which was NEVER mentioned. SJ probably felt if she mentioned the award then all of the comments would be about Dak! Giving your baby daddy a lap dance in the middle of a big charity event is the height of tacky!! His “kiss” was on her chin. That pic is SO ridiculous. SJ comes off as a cheap slut. Have to wonder what the people sitting around them thought. Maybe she was triggered by Dak posing for pics with other women. He looked the same as he did with SJ. If she hasn’t figured it out, at these events nobody cares about her and Dak doesn’t go out of his way to push her front and center.

I hope they have talked about birth control cuz she may be fine making baby#2. BTW SJ, breastfeeding doesn’t prevent pregnancy. 

More shortly.

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Ok, I’m not back as soon as I thought. Anyway, Dak etc. spent part of last weekend in Starkville, MS. For Dak, I’m sure it feels like going home. Saw that Jeremy was on the trip too. I don’t think this was SJ’s idea of fun. The same weekend was the Kentucky Derby and the Miami F1 race. Those are big celeb events and she was stuck in Starkville at a college baseball game. That’s again very NB! NB still follows Hailey & Ben Beckwith and they each have a pic of the Dak/NB era in their IG galleries. So, Dak reposted the group pic from the game which SJ reposted a few hours later. She didn’t “like” or comment on the pics in Hailey’s IG even though Dak did. 

What is very strange is that SJ’s baby sister, Grace graduated from college at Florida State last Friday. Where was SJ?  Starkville with Dak. He wouldn’t let her go or she chose not to? Got to hang around him every second to make sure he isn’t flirting? More NB behavior.

So, on the legal front, the DPD reported they found no evidence to support a criminal charge against Dak which is good. My lawyer friend (LF) said, “told ya.” The Prosper PD did send their findings on a possible criminal charge of extortion to the Collin County DA regarding VS and her lawyers. LF said she is very interested from a professional standpoint to see what happens. She said it’s not common for lawyers to get charged with extortion.

So, over the weekend, Dak unfollowed Fifth Down Apparel. About time. That idea should never have been put on IG etc. And SJ followed @chelley_bee. Maybe hoping she gets an invite to the next party? NB still follows her too! 

That bouncy ball video wasn’t bad, but Dak never “liked” or commented on it so I’m guessing SJ took it down because Dak told her to. Maybe he didn’t like looking kinda goofy or she showed too much of her house and he thought it became obvious they don’t live together?

Baby pics yesterday and she tagged Dak. He reposted it with no comment. I think she wants attention. He’s stuck because if he doesn’t repost the baby pics, he looks bad. This is a very screwed up relationship!

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@bugaboo This relationship is "yawn". I feel like I'm watching a rerun except with a baby. 

Today was Moose's bday and SJ made sure to put MJ in a moose outfit with we love you. Nice gesture for MJ because he was her uncle. She could of just said that. She didn't even know him. I would expect that from NB because she was the one around when he was alive. It's probably just me saying this but it was to impress Dak. He did repost in his stories but that's his baby so of course he would. 

You think Dak is actually controlling SJ more because of MJ? I couldn't imagine missing my sister's Graduation. If she or Dak decided that then shame on them. She could have brought MJ to the graduation. That would of been nice. 

What will happen when football starts? What will the relationship be like? 

Final note very happy that all of this assault case is over for him. 

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Posted by: @queenie


Today was Moose's bday and SJ made sure to put MJ in a moose outfit with we love you. Nice gesture for MJ because he was her uncle. She could have just said that. She didn't even know him. I would expect that from NB because she was the one around when he was alive. 

I could be wrong, but I think Mak was dressed in something with a moose on it when he was an infant. It certainly made sense because he is named for Jace. I believe SJ did the moose play suit knowing she would get Dak’s attention on IG. If he tries to call her out on doing it for attention only, she plays the “poor me” card and he doesn’t really win. 

The bouncy ball vid popped up again. Dak didn’t like or comment on it the 1st time and hasn’t when she put it back up. This feels like another “he pissed me off” moment just like the single mom pregnancy announcement.


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Thought I’d give NB her own space today. She has left the building, city and state. She posted several stories showing herself in the process of moving. On Mothers Day, she was driving to FL. She did a QA during the trip and didn’t give any insight into her plans. Somebody asked about Jack and she said “cutieee” She hasn’t been at a baseball game or with him in almost 2 weeks. Maybe things have cooled off? Nothing really for her in Dallas. She can watch SJ make the same mistakes she did as long as she has internet. 😂 

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Posted by: @queenie

@bugaboo This relationship is "yawn". I feel like I'm watching a rerun except with a baby. 

Let’s spice it up a bit (assuming this site works this time). Zay Jones. Plays receiver for the AZ Cards now and was recently cut by Jacksonville. Cowboys were interested in him. I thought the name looked familiar and low/behold, one of SJ’s NFL guys. The LSA group found a pic of her with him and another NFL player from 2018. On Jan.8, I wrote up my IG finds on him. SJ had liked some of his IG pics from 2019-2021. She had also commented on some with her childish emojis. I looked at his IG a few days ago and the comments are gone……the likes are not. Wonder who deleted those comments? 

It could have been real interesting for Zay and Dak in the same locker room. Wonder what they would have talked about? How much of her past does Dak know about? This was a relationship of about 3 years!


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@bugaboo I am back after this crazy storm we had in Htown. Anyway so much to unpack. 

Just saw the FFF gala and Tad with his pettiness put the Prescotts on the pic he had with him and Holly, Dak and SJ and his dad and girlfriend. He just clings so much to this girl because she gave him a niece. He doesn't see her for what she is. And news flash Tad she won't be a Prescott unless your brother decides to put a ring on it. Holly reposted the pics but Dak did not. 

SJ has been taking so many pics lately to make sure Dak takes notice. He loves the pics with his daughter. Hope SJ realizes that. Let her take one by herself, he won't care. 

I remember when you were talking about that guy Zay. I also remember that picture from LSA. That would be some really interesting conversations. Was kind of hoping she would be found out. I know the ones she used to talk to see all that's going on but no one will tell a clueless Dak. All he has to do is research and he'd find out about his baby mama. 

I'm also going to give NB some props right now. I'm glad she left Dallas and seems to be settling good with Jack. They fit each other. I hope it works out for her and Jack. She seems to finally have matured. Of course her follows are down because she isn't with someone high profile and she probably doesn't care. Who do you think is winning in this situation? I am going for NB on this one. 

Note:Where is everyone that used to be on here?

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Posted by: @queenie

@bugaboo I am back after this crazy storm we had in Htown. Anyway so much to unpack. 

Just saw the FFF gala and Tad with his pettiness put the Prescotts on the pic he had with him and Holly, Dak and SJ and his dad and girlfriend. He just clings so much to this girl because she gave him a niece. He doesn't see her for what she is.

@Queenie. Glad you are ok! Saw Caitlin Rance made it to the FFF Gala despite no power.

Hey, Pops “lady friend” isn’t a Prescott either. Found out who she is. Her name is Kojuana Davis. She’s on FB and her IG is locked. She’s 47 with several adult kids and grandchildren. Pops is 62. Looks like they’ve been together for @ 3 years. Pops likes the younger ladies. She has pic on her FB of SJ, herself and SJ’s mom! So Momma Ramos was there. She didn’t comment or like the pic. I didn’t see any sign of her dad/sisters.

Are we sure, Dak is MJ’s father? Tad was on the yacht too?! SJ had a story of MJ/Mak and gosh they look so much alike. I understand genetics, but wow! 

I firmly believe they all know about SJ. Problem is she was pregnant before they could really do much about it. Now, they have to deal with her and she knows it. Dak is trying to spin all this to look sweet. His image took a bit of a hit with the SA case


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Cute pics of Uncle Phil meeting MJ for the 1st time. Very emotional meeting. Looks like they’re at a restaurant (?)…..seems odd.

Phil mentioned that Tad/Holly are expecting! Phillip Glyn Ebarb on FB

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Yes, she’s been vomiting pics! She dumped the baby pics and said in a story MJ was 3 mos old. But she wasn’t. By my math she will be 3 mos old on 5/22. The MJ pics are cute, Dak/MJ pic is very cute. SJ/MJ pic is meh. Why doesn’t she look at MJ? Her baby smiles and interacts with friends/family and not her! Something really off there. Usually when these girls dump lots of pics, things aren’t close to the wonderful world they want us to believe.

Having her friend from Tampa show up to take pics was odd. Nobody in DFW could do it? The pics were not great….SJ looking off to the side instead of at MJ? The “family” pic had a grumpy baby, SJ doing the “head tilt” and Dak in his “fan pose.” Her friend does some nice pics, these weren’t it. 

SJ seems to be getting shunned by the WAGs. About 10 days ago, she was hanging out with Lauryn Rush and her new bestie, Sloan Shepley. They both tagged her in pics and she didn’t repost either. At the Chesney concert, SJ had a story of WAGs on a party bus. A few reposted it. SJ wasn’t in any “girlies” group pics. Before the FFF gala 5-6 couples went out for cocktails and the females made sure to post pics. No pics from the gala until the next day. SJ commented, “l love my friends.” I don’t think they love you, SJ. SJ had 2 of her besties from Tampa in town and wrote “sisters” on a pic. No pic of her and some of the WAGs. 

SJ just looked “frumpy” at the gala. Maybe it was the accordion pleated skirt? Maddie VE looked awesome. 4 mos after having a baby and wearing a slip style dress? I was impressed! Liked the color of Lauryn Rush’s dress. SJ just looked so much older than the other WAGs. She looks like Dak’s older sister!

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@bugaboo Thank you for that. A few days without power gives you more perspective. 

Speaking of that I laughed so hard just thinking that SJ and Tad could of made MJ. Wow the thought of it is eww. I mean he goes hard for her. It's so possible. He definitely likes her more than NB. 

My mistake, you were right about Pops girlfriend not being a Prescott either. I could only see SJ. So Pops went younger and African American. Big change from before. Guess he decided to change it up. 

I felt that Holly could be pregnant but they didn't want to announce it so as to not overshadow Dak and SJ's baby. So petty if it's true. I will check out Uncle Phil's page. Thanks for the update. 

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Here we go with the photo shoots again. You know what, SJ is using MJ as a prop. She is your baby not your photo op. She is annoying. Seems like she comes on here, gets tips and then tries to correct whatever it is. So she has the FFF gala pics up. In one pic I was shocked to see Zeke and Halle with a pic with Dak and her. She also posted a story tagging Laurynn. You see @bugaboo she wants you to notice that the Wags still like her 🤣. And all these sweet comments make my teeth hurt.

SJ and Dak are so cute and they are this power couple. They said the same thing about him and NB. And then Dak with his lame comment about how she puts up with his stress and it's all worth it with the tongue sticking out emoji. We know Dak, you're just there for the s*x. If it is really love she would be living in your house and she would be Mrs.Prescott. 


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Posted by: @queenie

Here we go with the photo shoots again. You know what, SJ is using MJ as a prop. She is your baby not your photo op. She is annoying. Seems like she comes on here, gets tips and then tries to correct whatever it is. So she has the FFF gala pics up. In one pic I was shocked to see Zeke and Halle with a pic with Dak and her. She also posted a story tagging Laurynn. You see @bugaboo she wants you to notice that the Wags still like her 🤣. And all these sweet comments make my teeth hurt 

Told ya. She just uses MJ to get clicks. In those pics, she’s holding MJ like a rag doll. Zero connection! This is YOUR child. SJ must realize she isn’t going to get any attention without Dak or MJ. I’m surprised her friend actually put those pics up….she put them up as stories on her own IG and business IG page. If SJ wants some pics of herself, just do them, and don’t have MJ in them. Talk about narcissism! The pic of her looking out the window, smacks of “single baby mom.” Lonely single baby mom. Dak didn’t repost them.

Did you see how MJ was happy and content when being held by her friends? Whatever is going on that prevents her from any affection with her child needs  to be addressed. What she shows isn’t normal. And now she’s following another wine company (NB also follows) and a guy who owns multiple weed dispensaries!

Oh, the group pic from the gala had been up for 2 days on other WAG pages. Instead of incorporating the WAGs into a pic at the gala, she chose to just have a pic of her besties from Tampa. That group pic showed most of the Cowboys players at the event. One thing many WAGs can sniff out is a phony. SJ is queen of the phonies in Dallas.

Saw the Zeke/Halle pic. They didn’t come to the gala together, but………….? Halle locked her IG! I thought I was following her, but I guess not. At some time she and Dak unfollowed each other.


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Posted by: @queenie

They said the same thing about him and NB. And then Dak with his lame comment about how she puts up with his stress and it's all worth it with the tongue sticking out emoji. We know Dak, you're just there for the s*x. If it is really love she would be living in your house and she would be Mrs.Prescott. 

The comments are ridiculous. It’s obvious that SJ’s friends are blinded by the supposed “celeb lifestyle.”

Ok, maybe it was my mood today, but Dak’s comment had me laughing for quite awhile. I bet he sent an email with similar wording to people at FFF thanking them. When he saw the IG post, he pulled up an email and used it. SJ wouldn’t know he said something similar to someone else. What’s she going to do about it. That comment read like what a boss would send to an admin assistant when a project is wrapped up. Friendly, but not romantic at all. 

SJ reposted those pics from 42 right after he posted them. Dak waited @10 hours and didn’t comment or put any emoji on it. SJ seems to love to party….wonder how much she had to drink at the gala? The posed almost kiss was such a joke! Is she so desperate, she thinks these are good?

Wonder if she caught Dak flirting at the gala and now she doesn’t know what to do?

Before the gala, Jon Machota did a very short interview with Dak(it’s on Machota’s Twitter). Dak talked about his mom calling her selfless and how she poured everything she had into him to make him successful. And then he ends up with a slut who wouldn’t know selfless if it hit her in the face. This is the very dark side of an oops baby with someone you obviously didn’t know. Hope he has a plan B.


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