Over the weekend, singer Selena Gomez relaxed on a yacht with friends in Syndey, Australia, shortly after she and on-again boyfriend Justin Bieber pulled the plug on their rekindled relationship last week.  

Bieber opted to stay in town, as was spotted playing in his usual weekly pickup hockey game. Everything was going okay, when he was hit with such raw emotion, that he was actually crying on the ice, and was even consoled by one of his teammates. Watch below. 

Props to Bieber for making it to his weekly hockey game, but if you really are that broken up, maybe don’t leave the house? The hockey rink is a time to forget about your troubles, not make the ice slippery with your tears. 

Always respect the Biebs for being  a sportsman, but Cmon man. Seriously. Enjoy more pics of Selena below. She’s definitely worth crying over. 

How much longer before these two yo yo back to dating. It seems to me these two can’t break it off clean. If Bieber is thinking about her while playing hockey, it can only mean he has it bad for her.