ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith reported a few new details about Kevin Durant’s polarizing exit from Oklahoma City during Wednesday’s episode of First Take.

Smith said that the night before he met with the Golden State Warriors in the Hamptons, Durant promised Russell Westbrook that he would be staying with the Thunder. 

“One of the things that has never been talked about was what transpired, and why the friction between him and Russ existed. It wasn’t because Kevin Durant left, it was how he handled it.

According to what I have been told, the night before Kevin Durant flew to the Hamptons and the other four dudes – Iguodala, Draymond, Steph and Klay – met with him, Kevin Durant had dinner with Russell Westbrook, Nick Collison, I think Royal Ivey, but I’m not sure. And literally looked Russell Westbrook in the face and told him ‘I’m not leaving, I’m staying.’ And then went to the Hamptons and announced that he was going to Golden State. And when that happened, he didn’t pick up the phone thereafter and call Russell Westbrook. He texted. Never even called.”

Later in the show, Smith revealed that Durant had contacted him to respond to what Smith had said earlier.

Smith: “Kevin Durant reached out. Said it’s BS what I’m saying. I should check my sources, you understand? And that’s all he said. He did not elaborate, but I want to make sure I’m fair.”

Kellerman: “You’ve have multiple sources?” 

Smith: “Multiple. OK, Multiple. 

…. I will say this. Someone’s lying on you. I will take that back. Multiple people are lying on you, KD, if that’s BS.”

That means KD is watching, and made sure to get a message to Stephen A. 

How embarrassing for Screaming A. to have to change his story so quickly.  

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