Of course after LeBron James ended up signing with the Lakers, the Kobe comparisons were inevitable.

In an interview with Jim Hill for CBS Los Angeles, LeBron expressed that he didn’t believe that the comparisons were legitimate assessments.

“I think that’s unfair. That’s going to be the only thing that’s unfair in this conversation we have today because I think at the end of the day, we are all different,” James said. “Michael’s fans, Michael Jordan himself. Kobe fans, Kobe himself. LeBron fans, and LeBron himself. We’re all different on the simple fact that we all take different challenges, we’ve all had challenges, we’ve all had different courses, but the one thing that’s the same is that we would do anything to play this game of basketball every single day.”

“We would do anything to win and we would do anything to put our life on the line to win basketball games,” James said of the similarities between himself, Bryant, and Jordan. “We’re just champions. We was born champions and we work hard and we want to be the greatest that we can be, but I think we’ve all had our own paths. Mike had his path, Mike was the greatest. Kobe had his path, Kobe was the greatest. I had my own path, hopefully, someday someone will say I’m the greatest.”

“At the end of the day, I hope we all make our fans and make each other’s fans proud as well, no matter whether you love us, hate us, or whatever the case may be.”

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LeBron has quickly gone  from calling himself the GOAT to calling Jordan and Kobe the greatest and “hopefully, someday someone will say I’m the greatest.”

What happened to his confidence. 

Just PR 101.  

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