Rick Fox has had his eSports company and team for quite a while now. The team has been performing quite well over the past few games, performing quite impressively in their time in the eSports gaming leagues. The track record of the company has been well documented throughout the internet, by the many companies such as Spin Palace Casino, and wagering companies such as Betway. But why is Fox selling the company? And why is it something that we should be talking about? After all, eSports are by far not even close to as exciting as any of the real sports that can be played around the world. The thing is, eSports are becoming quite big, quite quickly, and it is a sign of things to come that Rick Fox, the founder of the team is going to be selling Echo Fox for as much profit as he is going to be reporting after the sale. Soon enough, the eSports teams are going to be getting just as valuable and just as important to the world of sports management as any of the other teams and companies involved with the industry. So, let us think about what the sale of Echo Fox tells us about the industry. 

Echo Fox

Echo Fox, or as those who are part of the team like to type it, EcHo FoX, is the team that Rick Fox founded a little bit in the past. Since its foundation, the team has managed to attract attention from international players as they pined to become part of it. The team was just another addition to the already existing roster of professional eSports teams around the world, but it was still an exciting one. After all, further legitimacy is added to the industry any time a new team is added. And with a team that was as highly financed as this one, it was only a matter of time that some of the biggest players in the industry would try to get in on the game. 

The team has quickly grown since its inception and has managed to become one of the leading teams in the US eSports industry. In doing so, it quickly became the major team that attracts some of the biggest players and has also grown in valuation. Which is why Rick Fox is going to be selling the team – he thinks it has reached the value saturation that he is willing to sell at in order to make a profit. 

Growth of the industry

Echo Fox has only been one of the teams to be seeing this kind of growth and success. The eSports industry has been a fast-growing one, with dozens of teams springing up around the world and hundreds of people looking to invest in them, and make a profit off of them. This is the direct result of competitive eSports becoming more and more popular among the young generations. While those who are more into traditional sports have a limited understanding of the entertainment value of eSports competitions, but this does not mean that it is not a growth industry. The fact that the youngest generations are seeing so much importance in this industry means that it is only going to be getting more and more popular. Embracing this popularity means growing with the industry and investing in it. The result is the change we are seeing to the mainstream sports industry slowly becoming more and more welcoming. Seeing these changes do not require much observational skill, but it requires the right timing to see the channel. 

The changes to the mainstream

The changes to the mainstream that are seemingly taking place are pretty apparent. The first changes you will have noticed by this point are relatively simple, starting with the fact that ESPN has been introducing programming on their channel dedicated specifically to eSports. While it is fun to see the incompetence with which some of the people on the channel handle the eSports with, it is at the same time a source of encouragement for those who are believers in the industry. It shows that the world has seen the value in the industry and that the world is looking to invest a whole lot in the industry, regardless of the fact that there are those who are finding it hard to see the reasons for this. 

For some of us, and some of you, it will be a hard journey understanding why eSports are as popular globally, as they are. But, this means that those who do not like them, shall not be watching the events on television, instead of picking to watch baseball or a different sport at their leisure. It would be a shame to ignore the fact that eSports are quickly becoming bigger, more interesting to the world. After all, it would be like missing out on the investment that you could have made in Google or Apple way back when all of that mattered. But then again, to each their own, and in this case, Rick Fox will be getting his own bunch of cash as a reward.