“Andy goes, ‘I got this,'” Rivera said. “He pulls the menu up, and he goes to the guy, points to one side of the menu and says, ‘Give us two of all these.’ Then he points to the other side and is like, ‘Give us two of all these.’ There’s six of us. The whole table, every inch, is covered with appetizers.”

The group then proceeded to order their main course and eat their dinners. Toward the end, the waiter came by the table and asked if anyone had room for dessert. As Rivera recalled, the group was hesitant for dessert. The coaches were stuffed.

“It gets to Andy,” Rivera said. “He goes, ‘Oh, come on, guys, I can’t do dessert by myself. Come on.’ So, we all reluctantly, ‘OK, coach, we’ll have dessert.’

“He pulls up the dessert menu and says, ‘OK, bring us two of these, two of these, two of these, two of these, two of these.’ So they come out and put all the desserts out. We ate half of them, so I think there were 10 of them, we ate six of them. There were four left. Andy says, ‘Well, hey, let’s box them up and bring them back.'”

Rivera handled the extra boxes of desserts and placed them in a refrigerator in their office — which just so happened to be next to Reid’s door. Three hours after the group returned from dinner, Rivera was looking for a late-night snack. He opened the refrigerator door.

“And there’s no desserts left,” Rivera said. “I close the door and start thinking, ‘Huh. What the heck?’ Then I noticed in the garbage can next to the refrigerator, that there’s four empty boxes. I just wonder to this day who ate those desserts. I’m just wondering.”

You can listen to Rivera share the full story about Reid around the 21:00 mark.

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