Meek Mill is friends with 76ers owner Michael Rubin and has been supporting the NBA team as a Philly native for some time.

When he asked about attending game 1 of the face-off between the Sixers and the Toronto Raptors, the rapper was ultimately denied by Judge Genece Brinkley, who has been causing issues for the rapper. Since then, Michael Rubin has chimed in with his thoughts on the situation via Instagram.

Rubin posted a photo of Meek and Judge Brinkley side-by-side, with the caption:

“Judge Genece Brinkley – I know you have a vendetta against Meek Mill and are obsessed with trying to control every aspect of his life, but did you really NOT approve him to go to rep the sixers in Toronto for the game?” 

Rubin continued saying:

“Do you also hate PHILLY? As soon as the schedule came out, Meek asked probation for approval- they immediately approved! (YES FOR EVERYONE WHO DOESN’T UNDERSTAND, MEEK MUST STILL GET THE JUDGES APPROVAL PERSONALLY EVERY TIME HE LEAVES PA SINCE HE’S STILL ON PROBATION 12 YEARS LATER FOR A CRIME HE DIDN’T COMMIT) We filed w/your court as soon as the schedule came out since you need to approve travel to Canada! Since you didn’t respond to numerous phone calls and emails, we even sent a lawyer to the courthouse today!! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY IF THIS HAPPENS TO MEEK, WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS TO THE AVG PERSON ON PROBATION??”

Take a look below: 


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Judge Genece Brinkley – I know you have a vendetta against Meek Mill and are obsessed with trying to control every aspect of his life, but did you really NOT approve him to go to rep the sixers in Toronto for the game? Do you also hate PHILLY? As soon as the schedule came out, Meek asked probation for approval- they immediately approved! (YES FOR EVERYONE WHO DOESN’T UNDERSTAND, MEEK MUST STILL GET THE JUDGES APPROVAL PERSONALLY EVERYTIME HE LEAVES PA SINCE HE’S STILL ON PROBATION 12 YEARS LATER FOR A CRIME HE DIDN’T COMMIT) We filed w/your court as soon as the schedule came out since you need to approve travel to Canada! Since you didn’t respond to numerous phone calls and emails we even sent a lawyer to the courthouse today!! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY IF THIS HAPPENS TO MEEK, WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS TO THE AVG PERSON ON PROBATION??

A post shared by Michael Rubin (@michaelrubin) on

The NBA Playoffs are super fun to watch in person, who woulds deny Meek of one of life’s truly great pleasures. 

The Verdict’s in, the judge is a hater. 

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